The PTO raises money to purchase school wide student school supplies, academic enrichment such as field trips and performances, recess/PE equipment, field day equipment, classroom needs, library books, and other request the school has to meet the needs of our students.
How it's done...
Every year we hold a Spring Festival and a Fun Run as our two major fundraising events.
We also raise money on a smaller scale throughout the year in the ways listed below. Feel free to join in on any of these efforts that you can. There will be more information to come through the year about all these different events and opportunities.
- Eating out on Spirit Nights (Restaurant nights)
- Buying Spirit Items from the Spirit Store
- Donating online
- Donating Box Tops - This program is moving to an online app. Keep your eyes open for information on how to sign up.
- Registering Moore Elementary as your Kroger Community Rewards partner on your Kroger card.
Thanks for all you do to make our school great!